Our church values our neighbors and our community. By reaching out and being active in sharing God’s love,
we believe we are also part of the good work that God is doing in the world.

Upcoming Mission Opportunities
- Join the Building Connections Committee! If you are a bridge builder and enjoy collaboration to bring folks together and plan fun events, we would love to use your talents! Contact Stacey Stickley at #540-974-1299.
- Sunday Shepherds – Older Children: We are currently looking for interested volunteers who can act as “Shepherds” for our Older Children at Sunday worship. We envision this role to be two Sundays each month. Do you feel called to share your talents? Contact Robbin Wilfong or Pastor Sean!
- Oct. 16: Senior Ministry train ride to Cumberland, Maryland (Advanced sign up)
- Oct. 17, 1-3 p.m.: Help to pack and sort items at CCAP Winchester! We meet on site at 112 S. Kent St., Winchester, VA.
- Oct. 18-19, 8 a.m.-2 p.m.: First UMC Yard Sale at our APR Outdoor Pavilion.
- Nov. 3, 3 p.m.: Annual Charge Conference at Shenandoah University – all are welcome!
- Nov. 9, 5-8 p.m.: Next Generation Youth Bonfire & Cookout at our APR Outdoor Campus. Ages 10-18!

Community Partners
When you give to First UMC, you are also helping to support the following organizations:
- Bright Futures, which provides meals for low-income students and their families.
- The Congregational Community Action Project (CCAP), a collected effort from churches in Winchester and Frederick County, VA to care for at-risk and underprivileged members of our community.
- Teens Opposing Poverty (TOP), an organization that empowers youth to meet physical needs and offer hope, friendship, opportunity and encouragement to the poor, not just as an annual event, but as a regular part of their lives.
- United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR), who help provide disaster assistance and supplies to those in need around the world.
- Winchester Area Temporary Thermal Shelter (WATTS) provides shelter for our unhoused neighbors in the community during the winter months.